Waypoints values recreational activities for children, youth and families. Each program offers a weekly in-house recreational schedule of activities tailored to the specific needs and interests of the children, youth and families.
Waypoints offers a monthly organizational activity for all current children, youth and families. Theses activities can inlcude; swimming, ski trips, board games, soft ball, floor hockey, and yoga just to name a few.
Waypoints also encourages and supports children and youth becoming involved in community extra-curricular activities based on their individual interests.
At Springwood Outdoor Discovery Camp children, youth and families will be able to experience nature, camping and wilderness activities. This will provide children, youth and families of Waypoints who would not otherwise have the opportunity, with a unique outdoor camping experience.
Spending time immersed in nature, camping and undertaking outdoor adventures offers tremendous opportunities for personal growth. At Springwood, campers will be encouraged to try new things and push their limits, all in a safe and nurturing environment.
Programming for the Springwood camp will focus on child and youth development and education, and will allow campers to build life skills, leadership abilities, and confidence.
Some of the activities may include: swimming, fishing, hiking, camp fires, canoeing, journal writing, photography, crafts, geocaching, singing & dancing, and family days.